Singapore Budget 2019: Towards Zero Waste

We were invited by the Food Services team at Enterprise Singapore to share at the Deliveroo Foodie-preneur Competition.
TRIA has made the news!
During the Singapore Budget 2019 on 18 February, finance minister Heng Swee Keat placed emphasis on zero waste and used TRIA and UglyGood as examples of start-ups using innovation to tackle environmental issues.
“Just as we closed the water loop, we can now turn our attention to closing the waste loop. There are already start-ups tackling this challenge. Two companies, UglyGood and TRIA, have been working on innovative ways to convert food-related waste into useful products. These are good examples of opportunities in our zero waste movement. So I hope to see more of such initiatives in the coming years.”
Deputy Prime Minister Singapore, Heng Swee Keat
The Singapore government is launching a Zero-Waste Masterplan in the second half of 2019 to better manage of food waste, packaging waste and plastics waste. We are happy to be part of the journey to solve waste issues!
We’re also excited to mention that TRIA’s co-founder and CEO, Ng Pei Kang, had a special feature in the Lianhe Zaobao on 19 February.

Gold Award for Pentaward 2018
Finally, we are able to share that TRIA has bagged a Gold Pentaward for our CRAVE Nasi Lemak & Teh Tarik packaging revamp!
Our new packaging solution for CRAVE helps prevent about 40 tonnes of plastic from being sent to landfills every year! On top of that, we paid tribute to the rich heritage of Malay cuisine using dried leaf motifs. It heartens us to see many people enjoy their meal in our iconic takeaway boxes on a daily basis.
It is one of our first awards for packaging design innovation, and we couldn’t be happier! We will strive to deliver even greater work from here on out. Thank you for your support!
See our winning entry on the official Pentawards site.